Of course I have heard of zodiac signs before, but never in relation to food. After reading this passage, I was curious as to what my "food horoscope" would be. I was born on January 1st; I am a Capricorn. I found out: "Most of the solar system will be situated in the base of your chart, urging you to focus on the foundations of your life, like your family and your home. Now is an ideal time to look for a new place if you happen to be in the market, as Mars will quicken the process and Venus will ensure that your new abode is filled with charm. These active planets also bode well for home-improvement projects. First, though, you need to reel in your workaholic tendencies so you can give your personal life the attention it needs and rightly deserves. Try centering and calming foods like asparagus, a natural de-stressor that's also packed with vitamin B." I found my "food horoscope" to be very accurate and fitting; as I am frequency stressed.
As I continued reading The Dinner of Trimachio:
"I was born under the Crab and therefore stand on many legs and own much property on land and sea, for the crab is as much at home on one as he is in the other. For that reason, I put nothing on that sign for fear of weighing down my own destiny. Bulldozers and gluttons are born under the Lion, and women and fugitives and chain-gangs are born under the Virgin. Butchers and perfumers are born under the Balance, and all who think that it is their business to straighten things out. Poisoners and assassins are born under the Scorpion. Cross-eyed people who look at the vegetables and sneak away with the bacon, are born under the Archer. Horny-handed sons of toil are born under Capricorn. Bartenders and pumpkin-heads are born under the Water-Carrier. Caterers and rhetoricians are born under the Fishes: and so the world turns round, just like a mill, and something bad always comes to the top, and men are either being born or else they're dying. As to the sod and the honeycomb in the middle, for I never do anything without a reason, Mother Earth is in the centre, round as an egg, and all that is good is found in her, just like it is in a honeycomb." (Chapter 39)I found it interesting how the author characterized the variety of traits. I wonder what would come about if a combination took place; between the description I found, combined with what the author wrote...
What is your food horoscope?: http://www.epicurious.com/articlesguides/healthy/news/food-horoscopes-april-2013#ixzz2s7Zo2vC7
I think it's really cool that that was the part of the story you picked up on, and then researched your own zodiac sign, especially in the midst of all the rest of the craziness!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your post, the 'food horoscope' was interesting! I found the reading rather tricky to make sense of as well!
ReplyDeleteI too had a very hard time following along with the story. I still don't know who the narrator was, lol. The main point that stuck with me was the horrific amount of food and wine that was served in one night. Yuck - food overload!
ReplyDeleteI love anything that has to do with Zodiac so I loved this part of the reading! I didn't make the full connection until after reading your blogpost. Definitely interesting for sure!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the Zodiac part as well....I agree the reading was very hard for me as well